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Back In America

So much happened in these last 6 weeks.

 I don't know where to start. I am currently readjusting to my life back home. It is so odd to be away from all of the amazing people I met through NSLI-Y. I miss them so much. It is crazy to go from seeing them everyday to only being able to chat through the internet! I might make a few posts, but most everything will be explained through videos I took. This experience is not something I can easily put into words. The videos are kind of terrible quality, so sorry!! They are mostly so that fellow NSLI-Y6 and I can treasure the memories.

 Some personal stuff about being back in America: 

I was expecting some culture shock, but it is different to what you expect. I have often felt like I am in a lucid state of mind, and as if I am not really back in America because this is just a dream. I also feel a little crazy seeing so many 외국인!!! It really threw me off. I almost started hyperventilating a little. I went to a few stores the day after I got back, and being in an enclosed area with so many different people of different races felt really weird. I mean, while in Korea, I was obviously around my fellow nsliyians who all have different backgrounds, but I guess being around so 외국인 strangers is just off putting for now. I am sure these feeling with disappear soon~


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