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Semi-finalist Interview

   If you are reading this because you became a semi-finalist, then CONGRATULATIONS!!! 
Do not get to stressed about it. I know I got really stressed out before the interview, but it turned out to be a lot of fun! Make sure to dress professionally for the interview! I wore a blouse with a skirt and some flats. Wear something that you can feel comfortable in, but don't forget that you want to leave a good impression. If you are unsure what the proper attire is for an interview, google it and you will see a ton of examples!
   My interview was at a mall at 8:45am in a food court. Some people that had their interview the week before had their interview at 11am in a Barnes and Noble. First they gave us a bit of time to fill out a questionnaire, and then they moved on to interviews. A lot of the questions you will be asked will be repeats of your questionnaire. They are going to ask some questions that can be difficult if you don't have a story. Questions like "tell me about a recent challenge and what you did to over come that challenge". Before the interview, think of different challenges or difficulties in your life and how you dealt with them. Doing this will help the interview run smoothly since you will not have as much awkward silence from not knowing what to answer! If you get stuck on a question, don't freak out! Your interviewer knows that these questions can be difficult to answer. I was really stuck on one of the questions and took my time to respond...and guess what? I was still chosen and a finalist:) Please please pleeeeease remember to smile! Be friendly, and show them that you are enthusiastic about learning this language and that you will use what you learn to help people in some way.
   Make the most of your interview. After the interview, you could just go home, but I would recommend talking with other applicants. You will probably make new friends this way! I met some amazing people because of this interview! Even the applicant's parents were awesome people! They were so sweet, and my dad felt at ease after talking with other parents. I am not sure if the interviewers take your actions into account, too, but if they do, then showing them that you can easily befriend new people would be a good thing. Even if you are a bit shy (like I am), try it!


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