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iEARN Packet

This is the iEARN packet for NSLI-Y Korean Summer students. The packet arrived about I week after the acceptance forms were due (I think it arrived April 14th). Inside, there was a Korean book, the student handbook for Korea, a handbook for my parents, and some forms that needed to be signed.

So I've found the student handbook to be really interesting. There is a lot of good information in there that is very helpful for the trip. The student handbook have lots of useful information! The handbook has the program's policies and guidelines, a pre-departure checklist, tips for staying safe, and information about South Korea/Seoul. It even includes the 한굴 (the Korean alphabet) and common Korean phrases for students learn. The handbook also has a Korean resource section that lists some of the recently popular books, movies, music, etc.
 The Korean for Beginners is just that. It teaches most of the basics of Korean. I already understood most things in the book, but it is an awesome resource for me to review everything! It is great for all of the students who have now prior knowledge to learn to basics!
I definitely recommend using other resources to do more studying! 
Click here for a list of online resources for Korean.


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