Arriving in New York
Everyone had a different experience today! Some of us got to New York really early, and some of us got to NY kind of late. Luckily, I was not alone on my flight! Catherine and Delaney (awesome people!) were on the same flight from the DFW airport to JFK. Our flight landed on time, and by 3:15 we had our luggage ready and we just had to get to Columbia. We thought that the shuttle bus was the easy and fast part... It's not. The shuttle bus ride was almost as long as out flight to NY! It is probably because there were a few other people who boarded the shuttle bus, but it still took longer than we thought. Oh yeah! Madie and Alex also ended up on the shuttle bus! We all got along really well; they definitely made the long ride more fun! We finally got to Columbia University around 6pm (we had thought we would be there at 4). Sadly, we missed the first ice breaker, but we still made it in time for pizza! It is great that we have more ice breakers tomorrow! Some of us went exploring a bit, and then we hung out and tried to play some games to break the ice a bit more. One of the games was 아싸 (Assa), a game that David taught us. I had seen people play it before, but playing it yourself is so much harder! We also met Nick who is an alum. The other nsliyians are so amazing. I can't wait to get to know them more. I still feel pretty shy even though I have been talking to some of these people a lot in the last few months/weeks. I honestly don't feel so good today, so that might be why I sometimes find myself silent and not giving any input to the group conversation. Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow after getting some sleep! It is going to be a crazy day!
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